Recent Projects
Van Ness Ave Development, San Francisco: Sheeran Pipeline Inc was contracted to install all new underground utilities for a new development including combined storm/sewer laterals and manholes, water and fire services, fire hydrants, PG&E Electric underground infrastructure (vaults and splice boxes, transformer pads, primary and secondary conduit), street lighting, communications.
SFUSD Elementary School: Sheeran Pipeline Inc worked on this school renovation/upgrade project installing new sanitary sewer and storm drainage, along with new water and communication services.
Bayview Charging Station Project: Sheeran Pipeline Inc was contracted to trench and install conduit and pour concrete pads for 26 new dual Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
Tenderloin, San Francisco Underground Electric: Sheeran Pipeline Inc trenched and install 600’ of four 4” PVC conduits to bring primary electricity to two new developments.